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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Obama/Clinton: Here's a Math Problem

So Clinton is going to tell how he taxed the rich... He yearly increased those paying at least 15% from $36,900 to $45,200 by the end of his term! I still disagree with the fact that those earning over $250K (in 1993) increased to $376,732(by 2001) were taxed at 39.6%!..... Notice how he raised how much you could earn before you were at the max bracket. And that is still not an outrageous 50%!!!!

Clinton started the "negative income tax"! Of course people loved him! He gave people who PAID NO TAXES a REFUND.

Do the math... You pay $0 in taxes and yet you get a check for $2k as a refund. So if 30% of Americans are paying absolutely not a dime in and yet they are receiving at least a $2K check from the IRS as a "refund", how much DEBT does that equal? How much "unapplied" welfare is that?

Of course Obama wants to rape the "more fortunate"?

I understand envy. I would love to have a 10-bedroom home. If nothing else, just to play hide and seek in but I can't. I understand that. I want a car that can run 180mph. I can't afford that. But I don't envy those who can so much to think its ok to take HALF of the income of those who have made themselves successful.

Why are Americans ok with taking from one to give to another? My mother may have taught me to share but she also to not hate others. She said its ok to want what others have but if you want that YOU have to make it happen. She said nothing is free... Or at least it use to be the only thing free was samples at the grocery store. Now, suddenly the less fortunate (and surprise! I am one of those) is entitled to something they didn't break a sweat for, didn't sit up at night trying to consider different plans on how to achieve the goal that would buy that massive home and fast car, and they didn't "risk it all on"?

Give me a break! I want my son learn if you want it then you have to work for it. That NOTHING is free! I want my son to enjoy the fruits of his labor!

I want him to learn to say GOD BLESS THE USA!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do Not Use Bribery on MY CHILD

September 4, 2012

Dear Ms. Teacher,

Nathaniel told me he received some Johnsonville cash. I am aware that most parents are ignorant to the fact that they can object and refuse certain policies the school puts in place, such as this, but I am NOT one of those parents.


I have agreed to allow him to participate in Fun Friday as that appears to be a healthy activity for him. But I absolutely will not tolerate a reward behavior modification program. Such experiments only provide temporary, immediate positive results but many studies show negative long term results. And, of course, regardless of clinical studies, he is my child and I choose how he is taught discipline and manners.

If there is an issue with this feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

The Parent

Saturday, September 1, 2012

North Carolina Penalizing Restaurants & Food Vendors

Have you ever seen a sushi chef use gloves? Have you ever tried to roll food tight with gloves? I can't even make a PB&J while wearing gloves! And I'm allergic to peanuts and the smallest bit of peanut butter touching my hands flares up my eczema!

Gloves for food handlers for businesses that sell prepared food is not just an expensive penalty but its also impractical unless all you do is serve food using a spoon.

Good hand washing with soap and water is what hopefully people use at home and that is sufficient for businesses too!

Food prices are already jacking up. Those price increases are already showing up and will continue increasing at restaurants because of increasing food costs. The glove requirement WILL make the prices at restaurants go up even more!

North Carolina imposing more regulation that increases a business's cost even more is ridiculous!  Increases cost means increase prices which will impact businesses.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Letter 2 to My Son's Teacher Addressing Snack Issue & Behavior Modification Program

August 28, 2012

Dear Ms. Teacher,

My son told me that he was not allowed to eat his snack today at snack time because he did not bring enough to share. I hope this was just the misunderstanding of a 6-year old and that he won't have any future confusion about this. I have again put his snack in his backpack and I expect he will be allowed to have it at snack time.

Also, I understand Monday he received a "monetary" reward. I have no problem with him participating in Fun Friday but am totally opposed to a monetary behavior modification program and do not want my child being rewarded for doing as he is told or for what is expected. I understand the money is not real but my opposition to this type of discipline/training program is beyond words. I wouldn't use a system like this on a pet so I definitely would not tolerate it being implemented on my child.

If there is an issue with this feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

The Mom

*** I am giving the teacher a slight benefit of the doubt. ***