About Upromise With Upromise, thousands of companies will help you save for college. You can save when you shop online, buy groceries, dine out, and more.Start saving for college today! These brands and hundreds more can help you save: |
Specific terms and conditions apply for each company's contributions. Contributing companies, contribution levels, and terms and conditions subject to change without notice. For additional information and current listing of contributing companies, visit www.upromise.com (America Online Keyword: Upromise). This message was composed by Upromise and sent by Upromise member KATIE E BRIDGEMAN(KEBRIDGEMAN@YAHOO.COM) through the Upromise Family & Friends program. Upromise is a secure site that respects your privacy. Upromise will never ask you to disclose your full credit card information within an email. If you have any doubt about the authenticity of an email from Upromise, simply open a new web browser, type in www.upromise.com, log-in to your Upromise account safely and securely and then perform the requested activity.SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Sallie Mae, Inc. and Upromise, Inc., are not sponsored by or agencies of the United States. |